Testers with Desktop computer (91 found)

Avatar Name Qualifications Devices Joined
Roman (Ukraine)
My name is Roman. I'm 35. I like testing different resources and mobile devices. Now I work as a manual...
Rating: 1031 Karma: 46
5 years ago
Natalia (Moldova, Republic of)
If you look for someone who is well versed in conducting Quality Assurance of your product: I am this person.
Rating: 285 Karma: 2
4 years ago
daniel (Viet Nam)
I'm a freelancer of developer. I want to be become a tester for test product to have qualify product before...
Rating: 197
4 years ago
Elena (Ukraine)
Rating: 98
5 years ago
Iliya (Bulgaria)
Passionate for assuring quality
Rating: 76 Karma: 3
5 years ago
jickor (Viet Nam)
I want to be an expert in software testing
Rating: 63
5 years ago
Milic (Hungary)
Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, skilled in manual testing, automated testing of web, mobile, and desktop applications, possess knowledge of basic...
Rating: 63
5 years ago
Will (Canada)
I’m an enthusiastic, driven Management, Technical and Customer Service professional with over 15 years of experience in technology sectors with...
Rating: 62
4 years ago
Hidden (Bulgaria)
I am passionate about software testing and development. I really want to try different types of testing and to develop...
Rating: 53
5 years ago
Rakesh (India)
Technology lover, Digital Savvy, Adventures, Fun loving, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning enthusiastic
Rating: 40
5 years ago