Testers with OnePlus 5T (6 found)

Avatar Name Qualifications Devices Joined
I am looking for some testing job Able to work from home 8 hours per day
5 years ago
Uday Agrawal
5 years ago
Sivasankaramalan (India)
Automation Expert for Android & iOS Mobile Apps| Appium| Selenium| XCUITest| Espresso |Jenkins|Agile | BDD| Rest Assured
5 years ago
Ashish (India)
I am a professional with 12 years of experience in QA and proj management. I have experience in both manual...
5 years ago
Ciprian S. (Romania)
The joyous and fun part of being a tester is that you are always in a state of wonder. Should...?...
5 years ago
Domini (Belgium)
I am a computer science graduate with 2 years of experience in software manual testing.
4 years ago