Testers with Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (18 found)

Avatar Name Qualifications Devices Joined
Austin Pohlman (United States)
Hi, I am a software engineer with an extensive background in C, C++, and Python. I have tested everything from...
Rating: 6
5 years ago
Ruthessa May Abella (Philippines)
Rating: 6
5 years ago
Sy (Viet Nam)
4 years ago
Khai Nguyen
5 years ago
Son Tung (Viet Nam)
4 years ago
Marius Dumitrascu
4 years ago
Sam Zozaya (United States)
Late 40s married father
4 years ago
JAMES (United States)
4 years ago
Lyxy Lue (Ireland)
I'm a robotics engineer currently working in cloud platform services
4 years ago
Alessandro giommi (Italy)
I am a graduated IT engineer and professional tester. I joined more than 100 test campaigns and submitted more than...
5 years ago