Testers with Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (7 found)

Avatar Name Qualifications Devices Joined
sushil rajthala (Nepal)
5 years ago
fathima shazmina
5 years ago
Rojil Shrestha (Nepal)
Currently working as a software developer in Worldlink Communications Pvt Ltd as React Js Developer. Website QA and software developer...
5 years ago
Imrana Farooq (Pakistan)
I am Imrana Farooq, working as a web designer and developer since 15 years also worked as a QA for...
5 years ago
Nikolai (Ukraine)
5 years ago
5 years ago
Samsul Arifin (Indonesia)
Hello there, I'm 28 years old, I'm Indonesian and live in Yogyakarta city.
4 years ago