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JMeter Tutorial - How to build a Distributed Load Test (Throughput Controller)
Today we will learn: ============================================================1. How to make our samplers run with defined percentage execution. (Distributing the load) 2. How to use Throughput Controller to achieve this. —————————————————————————————————————————What is a real case scenario ?Suppose a web application has 3 webpages WEBPAGE A ,WEBPAGE B, WEBPAGE C and a real case scenario...
Views: 1343, Comments: 2, Karma: 2
Publish date: 5 years ago

How to read emails with Jmeter - (Mail Reader Sampler)
Today we will learn —————————————————————————————————— 1. Setup Mail Reader Sampler  2. How to read emails with Jmeter______________________________________________________________________________Step 1 : Configure JavaMail & Create Test Plan & Add Thread GroupI have discussed about how to configure JavaMail , click here to see my last tutorial.To add Thread Group , click here to see my...
Views: 2191, Comments: 3, Karma: 1
Publish date: 5 years ago

QAProvider Team
Automated visual testing - Easy snapshot testing with Puppeteer
If you haven't read our quick tutorial about Puppeteer it's time to do this right now with the next link: https://qaprovider.com/discussion/show/puppeteer-quick-start/38 Next step will be to write a fully automated visual test with Puppeteer. We have a script that simply does a screenshot of a web page with different viewport sizes. The source...
Views: 275, Comments: 0, Karma: 1
Publish date: 5 years ago

How to send Emails with Jmeter (SMTP Sampler)
Today we will learn ———————————————————————————————————1. How to load test email server 2. Configure SMTP sampler to send email________________________________________________________________________________Step 1 : Configuring JavaMailThe JavaMail API provides a platform-independent and protocol-independent framework to build mail and messaging applications. The JavaMail API is available as an optional package for use with the Java SE platform...
Views: 5756, Comments: 0, Karma: 0
Publish date: 5 years ago

QAProvider Team
Puppeteer - quick start
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome. We have found this tool easy to start and useful in snapshot testing. Today we will show how to do a snapshot testing script. https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer you can start to learn Puppeteer from here. First install puppeteer on your machine with...
Views: 140, Comments: 2, Karma: 1
Publish date: 5 years ago

How to run JMeter from Command Line (non GUI mode)
Why to execute non-GUI mode ?GUI : consumes more resources / memoryGUI : not recommended for heavy load testingCommand Line : can be integrated with other systems -Jenkins etc.In short GUI mode is not good for heavy load testing, since it consumes a lot of memory and resources. GUI mode...
Views: 42031, Comments: 1, Karma: 1
Publish date: 5 years ago

Katalon Studio Tutorial -- Create Test Case using Script Mode
How to create & run test  in Katalon Studio using Script Mode Step 1 - Download & Open Katalon StudioDownload Katalon Studio from here.You have to Sign up in order to download Katalon StudioAfter downloading, open katalon.exe (create desktop shortcut for future)Click on New Project and give name to the projectClick...
Views: 712, Comments: 0, Karma: 2
Publish date: 5 years ago

Katalon Studio Tutorial -- Create First Test Case (Record & Replay)
KATALON StudioKatalon Studio is a comprehensive toolset for web and mobile app automation testing. This tool includes a full package of powerful features that help overcome common challenges in web UI test automation, for example, pop-up, iFrame, and wait-time. This user-friendly and versatile solution help testers test better, work faster,...
Views: 1801, Comments: 4, Karma: 2
Publish date: 5 years ago

Thank you QAProvider
I want to thank everyone of the QAProvider team who gave me an opportunity to explore myself, supported me and cleared my doubts regarding everything. In one of my bug reports QAProvider suggested me to work hard to buy a new mobile. Now from the money I received from QAProvider,...
Views: 136, Comments: 4, Karma: 10
Publish date: 5 years ago

JMeter Tutorial -- SOAP API Test
Hello, welcome to another Article of API test. To know about API & Web Services, visit my previous article. We have already discussed about Rest API in the previous article. In this article we will discuss about Soap API. SOAP API (Simple Object Access Protocol)SOAP is a XML-based protocol for accessing web...
Views: 992, Comments: 0, Karma: 3
Publish date: 5 years ago