Puppeteer - quick start
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome.
We have found this tool easy to start and useful in snapshot testing. Today we will show how to do a snapshot testing script.
https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer you can start to learn Puppeteer from here.
- First install puppeteer on your machine with a line: npm i puppeteer
- Let's create a first script that will open QAProvider homepage and do screenshots with different screen resolutions.
Find code here: https://gist.github.com/QAProvider/d2fb7cf8382656e4185315e59518652a
- Let's run the script node qaprovider.js
- Let's check results. We could find that we have a minor bug on 800x600 resolution
View port 640x480
View port 800x600 with a bug
View port 1024x768
This is a quick start with Puppeteer. We will try to do a snapshot tests at the end of this tutorial.
Lambdatest is an online tool and you have to pay to use it.
You can install Puppeteer on your machine, use all the futures for free and have a full control of test automation process.
But Lambdatest has everything configured for you, you just need to click buttons :) It might save a lot of your time if you need all this infrastructure.
Is it better than Lambdatest ?? I mean we can do snapshot testing using Lambdatest too I guess.