Testers with Asus Laptop (100 found)

Avatar Name Qualifications Devices Joined
Carmela (Philippines)
I'm a hard working person, my work involves in dealing with people in the community through projects and programs of...
5 years ago
My Duong (Viet Nam)
5 years ago
Do Hai Dang (Viet Nam)
5 years ago
Phan Dinh Hai (Viet Nam)
5 years ago
Phạm Nhật Linh (Viet Nam)
I recently saw a post a Facebook- my new feed, which caught my attention. I am a native Vietnamese speaker,...
5 years ago
Khawar azeem (Pakistan)
Like to be tested in New fields . Creative ,hard working ,goal oriented .
5 years ago
Hoang Oanh
5 years ago
Thuy Linh Bui (Viet Nam)
I am a newbie in testing but I can work both in English and Vietnamese and I love working with...
5 years ago
Pickdam (Hungary)
I work as a senior test automation engineer (5 years of experience) for a major airline, and as penetration tester...
5 years ago
5 years ago