Title | Expiration | Prizes | Created |
Task & Skill - Nothing will work unless you do
Task & Skill - Nothing will work unless you do Welcome to beta testing of our new project
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 500
4 years ago |
Peer2Profit (Website, Windows App, Android App)
6 month ago we have been testing just an idea of this project with QAProvider. Today we want to test...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |
DeskOfDay (Website, Windows App, Android App)
Desk Of Day - Visualize the dream on your desktop! We need bug reports and recommendations. Serious bugs are more...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |
BroVPN (Website, Windows App, Android App)
BroVPN is a free VPN for personal use. VPN supported by the Internet community. BroVPN is a Peer-to-Peer VPN via...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |
Real payments test for online casino
Hi, all! Only trusted testers with rating or other activities on QAProvider allowed for this opportunity. We need to test...
Finished |
10$ per test + Rating from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |
SimpListic - Modern Grocery List app
This is a modern grocery list app meant to enhance the traditional grocery shopping experience. Please provide a Google Play...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 35
4 years ago |
Pay Per Action website
(Project paused for a while)
We need to test Pay Per Action website. Requirements: Chrome browser only (Desktop)English or Russian language
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |
Test bluetooth connection with macOS application
- Release 2
We have a problem with bluetooth devices (headphones, speakers, etc.). We need to investigate this problem and get as much...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 40
4 years ago |
Eye QAProvider - Visual regression testing tool
(Project paused for a while)
Hi, all! We made a tool for visual regression testing of responsive web UI - Eye QAProvider. We use this...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 100
4 years ago |
Bestselling Cookbooks iOS App
Our application is made to provide recipes derived from the bestselling cookbooks. Our app is very easy to use -...
Finished |
Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
4 years ago |