
Title Expiration Prizes Created
Nuano iOS APP 2nd testing round
Nuano is an application in which everyone can find an event in the spirit or create their own
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
1 year ago
Nuano Android App (6.0 and higher) Project on pause (Project paused for a while)
Nuano is an application in which everyone can find an event in the spirit or create their own
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 30
2 years ago
Nuano iOS App
Nuano is an application in which everyone can find an event in the spirit or create their own
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 20
2 years ago
Test telegram bot for BroVPN
We need a testing of telegram bot: UX, translations, overall features
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 200
2 years ago
SimpListic Grocery List NEW FEATURES - Re-categorize Items & App Ratings Dialogue
We are now adding 2 NEW FEATURES: 1. Change Item Category2. Google Play Store App Rating Dialogue Number of Testers:...
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 100
2 years ago
Peer2Profit project is ready Project on pause (Project paused for a while)
SHARE YOUR TRAFFIC AND PROFIT ON IT! Recently we have tested an idea and today this amazing project is ready!...
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 100
3 years ago
Amazon tools Project on pause (Project paused for a while)
Hi, all We will test the tools for amazon sellers. Please join if you are interested!
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
3 years ago
Recommended project SimpListic Grocery List - Testing New Feature - Promos/ads Recommended project (recommended)
We are implementing promos/ads into SimpListic and would like to have 4-5 testers to test Number of Testers: preferably testers...
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 500
3 years ago
YOUS | AI-based translator for calls
Audio/video calls with built-in AI-translator YOUS recognizes speech, translates it, and speaks in a synthesized voice in the interlocutor's language
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 50
3 years ago
Delivery APP (iOS)
App that helps to send a parcel from one point to another. Used by online shops to deliver their products...
Finished Rating + $$$ from QAProvider
Applications limit: 100
3 years ago