Profile - Milenko

Milenko Jovic
Serbia and Montenegro
AI Trainer | AI Quality Assurance engineer
- Preparing data for AI training process,
- Train,
- Test AI outputs(UI, Insomnia, VBA) using multiple devices/user accounts,
- Developing Automation script for ongoing monitoring,
- UAT;

Tools i am using:
1. Google docs, Drive,
2. Insomnia,
3. PostgreSQL(querying DB fore verifying results),
4. VBA(Developing VBA script with API connection and monitor results produced by AI daily);

QA Tester - Remote
Working for multiple clients on and off the Upwork platform.
My testing on the platform included testing Web, iOS and Android applications as well.
Also have few Desktop software to test and one Linux application run on VB.
Testing Web, iOS and Android of RoundIt application from start of developing.
- Black Box testing
- UI testing
- Regression Testing
- Tested on real devices and using App Live on BrowserStack as well.
Localization testing