Evaluate landing pages & business idea

Prizes: Rating + $$$ from QAProvider

There are two ready-made landing pages presenting the business idea of ​​"making money on the Internet." (RU versions available with the links, EN versions in PDF files)

It is necessary to evaluate the landing page in terms of attractiveness, comprehensibility and completeness of the information provided. 

You can put yourself in the place of a person who is looking for how to make money on the Internet and answer the following questions: 

1) would it be interesting to you as a person who is looking for how to make money on the Internet? 

2) how attractive is the offer (each landing separately)? 

3) how clear is the proposal (each landing individually)? 

4) Landing Improvement Suggestions 

All your feedback and suggestions will be evaluated depending on their usefulness. If you are interested in participating in testing the idea at the idea stage, then welcome - send your applications :)

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  • Any Qualifications
  • Any languages
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10/29/2019 - Project is finished

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Please, close at least one task in this testing and answer the questions:

  1. Would it be interesting to you as a person who is looking for how to make money on the Internet?
  2. How attractive is the offer?
  3. How clear is the proposal?

P.S. All reports, feedback could be in Russian language.

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