ProfileAPI - Chrome Extension to find user pictures from just their email id!

Prizes: Rating + $$$ from QAProvider

Our product is a Chrome Extension for business analyst, Human Resource Managers and anyone else who may be interested in finding someone's picture from just their email id.

The Chrome extension is accessible here -

The Chrome extension should work on the Chrome browser on all desktops and laptops (Windows, Linux or Mac).

Please email us at


if you need any clarification or help about testing our Chrome extension.


  • All desktops
  • Mac OS High sierra 10.12
  • Mac OS High sierra 10.13
  • Mac OS High sierra 10.13.6
  • Mac OS Mojave 10.14
  • Mac OS Mojave 10.14.4
  • Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5
  • Any Qualifications
  • English localisation test
Last Updates


The whole list of changes here

Just test it as a new version and report all bugs


We have recently updated the Chrome extension to 0.0.8 while the earlier version under testing was 0.0.7. 

This part of project description gives you the right way where you search for bugs.
Last updates that are something that might have bugs.
Earlier updates probably were tested before.
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