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How to Add Videos in Bug Reports using Mobile

Views: 547

Purpose of recording videos of tests:

 1. As testers, we sometimes face some bugs that are unreproducible and because of this developers don't accept it as a valid bug report.

2. Sometimes describing a bug textually leaves behind some important things that need to be noticed too.

3. It's not possible to remember every test we have done and stored it in a csv file.

Adding video recording of the tests not only remind us about what actually we have tested but also makes clear idea about what a tester is trying to tell to the developer and video reports cover all the information that we might have missed in textual report.

Softwares Needed for Recording:

We can use any screen recording software but it's good to use the default screen recorder that comes with almost every mobile nowadays. If you don't have screen recorder pre-installed in your device, don't worry, we have solution for that too. 

  1. GU Screen Recorder with Sound, Clear Screenshot - Playstore link

Softwares Needed for Editing:

We can use any of the apps that converts video files to gif, but below two are my recommendation. You can use any one of them.

  1. GIF Maker, GIF Editor, Video Maker, Video to GIF for Android- PlayStore link or ApkPure link
  2. GIF Maker - Video to GIF, GIF Editor - Playstore link

How to do it ?

  • Download the above mentioned softwares.
  • GU recorder has a floating window so, whenever you want to record something click on that and click record button. After counting 3 2 1 the recording will start.
  • Record all your required actions.
  • Again press the floating window and click on stop recording. The recording will be saved automatically.
  • Open GIF Maker app and select Video-> GIF
  • Select the recording you want to convert to gif
  • Trim the video if you want and click done
  • After processing, another window will pop up where you can customize the file like controlling the fps, reverse the video, add filters, mark something/ erase something etc.
  • After that click on ✓ , a window will show up where you can choose in which format and what quality you want to save the file. Select file format as GIF and quality as per your choice.
  • Now we can upload this gif file in the same way we upload image files while reporting a bug in QAProvider.

N.B.- In QAProvider, we can't upload videos directly, so we have to convert them into gif and size of the file should be under 20mb as QAProvider limits us to upload file upto 20mb.

N.B.- I don't have IPhone so I don't know any particular app for this but the process is same, so , I hope any screen recording app and video to gif converter app will make it.

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Published: 5 years ago by Raja