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Reward methods

Views: 111

Hello everybody! I am quite new in here and I was trying to find out how I will be rewarded for my work. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything... I looked everywhere: on my personal page, on the home / front page, in terms&conditions and all the tabs that I could click, no success.

Could somebody give me a link to the proper page or just give me some more details here?

Thank you!

Karma: {{ total }}
Published: 4 years ago by Stefan
QAProvider Team at 2020-05-05 08:49:13
Karma: {{ total }}

Hi, Stefan!

Just follow next link:

We have to split payments setting from My Settings page. We will do this in the future.

You could find it under menu: You profile name -> My Settings.

Thank you for the question and you are welcome.

Stefan at 2020-05-05 10:36:58
Karma: {{ total }}

Thank you for this info, but my question was about a different topic. Maybe I wasn't specific enough.

I am interested in reward system, meaning how much I will receive for let's say a bug report, what are the tariffs and how does my raiting impact this. Is there a table for let's say raiting levels, pay per bug report or something like this?


Thank you

Varish at 2020-05-11 13:46:56
Karma: {{ total }}

As far as I know it decides on the basis of Project Owner if they think of your review helpful then you get a reward. And different project owners have different criteria so its not fixed. But it's my guess not sure. However most likely you will get a reward on 5 ratings.