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New here any suggestions Or ideas?
Views: 108
Hello everyone, it's my first day here on QAProvider, do you guys have any suggestions for me how should I proceed to be a good tester and what are the best things about this platform?
Thanks and have a good day everyone.
Published: 3 years ago
at 2021-05-04 13:04:49
Hi, nice to have you in our community. Nice guys and girls, we have here. The projects are awesome. So, I wish you good luck. See ya in the projects )))
Well, the first advice we can give is to subscribe for new projects, you can find it on the next link
The fact is that we do not have new projects often, once per month. That is why it is important to send application in a first 1-2 days, otherwise you can miss the project.
The group with testers build fast within first days (sometimes hours).
Second advice, keep updated list with devices. Some people apply on iOS project for example and may be forgot to add an iOS device in a list. So, we choose a different person who has a device for sure.
Third, when you apply to the project just show that you are a best match to test it. Provide info why you need to be chosen. Do you have experience in testing such kind of applications? Or do you like an idea of app. Show something that motivates you to join the project. It gives more chance to be chosen.
The last, keep your testing history qualified :) Write a nice reports, provide steps to reproduce, screenshots or videos when it is needed. It will keep growing your scores in QAProvider and gives you more chances in next projects.
We always give a chance for several newbies in all projects. Good luck and welcome.